Friday, February 18, 2011

ESL Classes

Hey everyone!
So after distributing well over 1000 fliers around town, on Tuesday and Wednesday we held sign-up for ESL at O' Sole Mio Ristorate. I believe there were around 32-35 people who called us or personally came in to fill out the form. Our students range from pre-teens to people in their 50s and 60s, from Moroccans to Sicilians, from quiet to the most talkative people I have ever met. Can't wait. Classes start on Tuesday, and all of tomorrow we will be preparing for teaching by going over the lessons, etc.

Today we took advantage of our last weekend before classes start and drove to the little country of Monaco and then to Nice, France. Both were really beautiful. We will post some pictures later. It's nice to get around and travel some, it keeps things interesting.

Hope y'all are doing well!


p.s. Not a huge fan of wine so far, but I'll try a few more before I say "guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". (pertaining to you, mother.)

1 comment:

Virginia Knowles said...

I can't wait to see your pictures! I am just now sending your blog link in my family and friends letter, so I'm sure a lot of other folks would love to see them, too!

Wine -- blech! I guess it's an acquired taste that I never acqired. However, you should say that the grape doesn't fall far from the vine. Unless you're drinking apple wine!