Friday, March 18, 2011

ESL: Bowling and Pizza

A few weeks ago, we went bowling in Sestri with a few of our ESL students. Here are several pics from Jo's camera:

L-R: Jacob, Hannah, Rachel, Aziz

Jeannette and Alessandro (and Hannah)

That's the way she bowls...

Abby, Jeannette, Lee, Elijah, Jacob, and Aziz

Joanna and Hannah


And this past Tuesday, after our Base and Intermedio classes, some of the students stayed for pizza at O Sole Mio Ristorante (where our classes are held.)

L-R: Mario, Elijah, Rachel, Jacob, Hannah, Aziz, Christian


Joanna and Mario

Waiting for pizza


The whole group

Rachel, Hannah, and Abby

L-R: Rachel, Hannah, Abby, Alessandro, Aziz


We plan to go bowling again on Tuesday with a few English students. We've also begun to meet with some of the students for coffee, where we just talk about life, and help them with their English while they they help us with our Italian.
Tomorrow we're heading to Milan for the day, and on Sunday, we're having a couple families over for lunch. :)
I'll end with an Italian phrase that, although not the best for ending a blog post, we use all the time when saying bye: Ci vediamo! (Chee ved-YAH-mo) It basically means, "We'll see you (later)!"

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